Pubg pmwl BTRVSOR
Pmwl pubgmobile 2020 As the test matches of pmpl have started all the teams are playing very good but the dominating team of all time is BTR which includes players like BTR LUXXY BTR ZUXXY BTR MICROBOY BTR RYZEN As from the first day these four were described as aliens of pubgmobile. In the starting of first two games they put on their domination and crushed every team which came in their way and got chicken 🐣🐣 in the first very two games. But from indian teams lot of fans believed that TSM ENTITY players would give them defeat but it was not seen there it was only one player of tsm how almost wiped whole squad of BTR it was TSM CLUTCHGOD who is one of the best assulter of india. OR ORANGE ROCKS from India performed very well and are on second place with one chicken dinner other teams from India also performed very well.
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